Welcome to Double B Exotics!
BUY – SELL – TRADE Exotics
in Texas
Double B Exotics (Find us at StockMyRanch.com) is catching the following in the coming days and weeks through Oct. 3rd, our deadline.
Please text or call me directly at (512) 497-7674 or email me directly at Dustin@BusinessWithDustin.com to place your order.
Most will be helicopter caught. Trailers available for delivery anywhere in the great state of Texas.
We want to earn your business and add value to your ranch.
Blackbuck Does
Blackbuck Males (Stockers to Shooters)
Axis Does
Axis Bucks (Stockers and Shooters up to 34″+)
Addax Bull (34+)
Nilgai Bulls (7″-8″ Trophy Size)
Pere David Bulls (All Sizes Including Shooters)
Pere David Cows
Black Hawaiian Rams
Texas Dall Rams
Corsican Rams
4-Horn Rams (Jacobs) (4 Shooters)
Mouflon Rams (Pure & Crosses)
Nubian Ibex (Trophy/Shooters – Possibly Over 42″)
Hybrid Ibex (Shooters)
Wildebeest Bulls
Mature Oryx Cows
Oryx Bulls (Shooters)
Waterbuck (Trophy)
Aoudad Rams (Stocker/All Sizes and Trophy 28″+)
Aoudad Ewes (All Sizes)
Gemsbok Bulls (Shooters)
Dybowski Sika Bucks & Does (All Sizes)
Japanese Sika Bucks & Does (Alll Sizes)
Several Red Stags (Trophy)
TEXT or CALL (512) 497-7674
Dustin Vaughn Warncke
Looking for Exotics For Sale in Texas? Well, we’re glad you found us!
We are located in the Central Texas area and specialize in the live capture and transport of almost all exotic big game species as well as the sale and trade of exotic game to hunting ranches and game preserves all around Texas and beyond.
Please check back often for current game animals for live sale as well as other info! We also buy, sell, and trade! Please call us with any questions on locating exotic game or if you have a need we can help with! Thanks for stopping by!
Also, if you are hunting ranch or exotic game buyer, be sure to apply to join our private Double B Exotics Facebook group (Below) and join our exclusive newsletter (Top Right Sidebar)!

Looking for Axis Deer for Sale?
Looking for Aoudad Rams and Ewes for Sale?
Looking for Fallow Deer for Sale?
Looking for Blackbuck Antelope for Sale?
Looking for Sika Deer for Sale?
Looking for Other Exotics for Sale in Texas?
You found the right place! Give us a call!
(512) 635-0641